CED the Comet EDitor CED - Comet Editor Change log ----------------------------- CED 1.0 First official release, CED Version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------ CED 1.1 Revised default color scheme. Changed all defaults. Added user Color Configuration (Install Local). Expanded DABs to 50. Added 'Retain DABs' Question in Install Global. Improved DABs display on Control line. Reduced # of documents from 10 to 8 (Ctl-F9 used for refresh on Qterm). Modified Terminal Identification to allow better controls (display modes/attibutes and colors). Changed to allow ALL command in upper/lower case. Modified PageDwn to display last full page when at end-of-file. Modified messages from background to use Dos Function Call. Added support for EXE (assembler) on RUN. 91/09/26 Official Release. CED Version 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ CED 1.2 Added full support for TeleVideo 965. Fixed all msg on Control line to display 72 characters (maximum allowed by TeleVideo). Modified error/warning display to remember & restore cursor (do not bump the cursor). Modified Default colors for Qterm (configured colors not returned on a status function). Improved Colors Configuration, corrected defaults. Fixed column position with Function Keys (F2 & F7) Corrected Copy/Merge/Renumber and edit commands to properly re-write lines with '!' + line # at the end of the record (position 81 +). Clear all commons before RUN, still allow passing of user supplied parameters. ex: RUN MYPROG,[DIR],'COMMON-MESSAGE' 92/04/11 Official Release, CED Version 1.2. ------------------------------------------------------------ CED 1.3 Modified configurator (Install Local) to allow use of 132 columns mode with Comet console and Qterm terminals (Color and Monochrome PCs). Modified screen formats to display right hand side of screen as suppress background (instead of background). Modified control line display to show DABs on full line when in 132 column mode (displays 31 DABs). Added automatic detection of 132 column mode for all PCs and Qterms upon entry. Sets a flag if mode 132 is available (same flag is now set by VT6 routine). To be tested with 965. Added new MODE command to switch on-line from 80 columns mode to 132 columns. MODE with no parameters will yields the 132 column mode status (Inop/Available/Active). Syntax is MODE N, where N is either 80 or 132. Automatically re-displays current page (or last page). Modified line-long split routine to ignore (and re-write) all long lines that are terminated by a lonely exclamation mark ('!'). 92/06/25 Official Release, CED Version 1.3. ------------------------------------------------------------ CED 1.4 92/07/08 Modified line duplication and line add commands ':' and '.' in position 1, to redisplay original line without the ':' and the '.'. Modified page display (scan) to allow use of a full 1024 buffer on Comet console and Qterm in stead of regular 756 (speed up the display). 93/01/16 Modified PRINT option to refresh TIME$ before printing. 93/01/16 Official Release, CED Version 1.4. ----------------------------------------------------------- CED 1.5 93/03/15 Modified Page Up routine to work with the now corrected PREV() statement in Comet 503.24 and later. This version should be used with all new Comet releases and this is still compatible with all earlier version of Comet 502 and 503. 93/03/15 Official Release, CED Version 1.5. ----------------------------------------------------------- CED 1.6 Removed 132 column test, modified routine to verify QCFIG setting for BIOS mode for 132 columns. If the value is not zero ('@00@'), then 132 column mode is assumed available. Incorporated new version of the HELP system using Comet's Help system (CMHELP). New overlay CEDTOPIC. New Help file incorporates all of CED's Help messages plus the complete MTB Language Manual. It is menu driven. To activate the new Help feature: run CMHELP manually and select option 2 - Merge Extracted Help Records. Follow the instructions on the screen to merge all HELP record pointers. The file containing the extracted records if called #HELPXTR on CED. You will however require a CMHELP version dated on or later than 05/25/93. Earlier version of CMHELP 1.4 will not properly merge the records. Press F1 at any given time to get to the HELP. CMHELP must be accessible. The new Help system is available only in COMET 503. 93/05/25 Official Release, CED Version 1.6 ----------------------------------------------------------- CED 1.7 Modified CEDTOPIC - Help routine to properly activate functions keys from within the Help Window to accomodate changes in Comet 503 recently introduced. 93/09/21 Official Release, CED Version 1.7 ----------------------------------------------------------- CED 1.8 Modified CEDTOPIC - Help routine to allow more messages. Updated documentation from new MTB Manual. Now automaticaly link all "See xxx topic" help messages. Modified Topic menu to remember cursor position when returning from help message. Added Help Page # with "Last" Updated CED Commands documentation to include new commands and some old commands not properly documented. Split the CED program into overlays CED and CEDMAIN Merged display routines from CEDPAGE to CEDMAIN. Commands LIST, FIND and SEEK no longer display the '-- SCROLL --' message on the first user line. Scrolling if now performed on the complete screen (22 user lines). Overlay CEDPAGE no longer exists. Enhanced internal checking to avoid unexpected errors. If user runs directly one of the overlays. Now exits. Added support for some new function keys: Ctl-UpArrow - Scrolls display Up 1 line Ctl-DownArrow - Scrolls display down 1 line Alt-Esc - Clear screen (like the '*' command) not done Alt-Enter - Insert blank line at cursor position Ctl-Ins - Split current line at cursor position not done Ctl-Del - Join lines at current cursor position Ctl-Left - moves cursor to left margin (column 1) Ctl-Right - moves cursor to right column (79 or 131) Disabled work area 10 (9 was already disable in CED 1.2) Users are now limited to 8 work areas (accessed with the function keys Ctl-F1 thru Ctl-F8 or with the @n command). Added support for the Qantel VT8 terminals. Because of new features implemented in COMET and used by CED CED Version 1.8 (and later) will not work with any COMET release prior to 503.26. This is to ensure that all functions of CED works perfectly and that all users keep their COMET installations to latest up-to-date releases. Added MTB Compiler debugging mode: Command 'QA' activates MTB compile with error log analyse. Command 'QB' activates MTB debug mode. QB behaves a lot like scan but highlites all lines with compile errors and displays error message on next line. 'QB END' turns off the debugging mode. While in debug mode, the word 'MTB' is displayed on the top control line (next to where 'INS' is displayed. Modified manual insert/duplicate line commands to allow codes to be entered either before or after line #. To insert lines (other than the F7 method), type a '.' before or after the preceeding line #, example: 100.I WANT A BLANK LINE AFTER 100 or .100 I WANT A BLANK LINE AFTER 100 To duplicate a line type a ':' before or after the line #: 100:I WANT TO DUPLICATE THIS LINE AFTER 100 or :100 I WANT TO DUPLICATE THIS LINE AFTER 100 Now also allow the '+','=','-' page scan commands to be inserted before or after the line #. Where '+' use the current line as top of page, '=' uses current line as center of page and '-' uses current line as bottom line. example: + 100 THIS IS LIKE 'SCAN 100' 500=THIS WILL PUT 500 ON CENTER OF SCREEN -900 THIS WILL DISPLAY LINES UP-TO INCLUDING 900 Adjusted line insert step reduction. When space between two lines was getting too small to use regular MAXSTEP, new increment is adjusted down more wisely now. UNDOCUMENTED FEATURES: Work area VT3/Ampex users can access work area with '@n' Find 'serach_value',directory[,first_file[,Last_file]][LOG=output_dev] Scan files within directory for specific string. If LOG= is used processing is activate in background Also true for 'SEek' PAGE xx Without xx PAGE would reset to 56 instead of just Displaying current page setting ----------------------------------------------------------- CED 1.A Changed "FIND" so that it stops its search if the screen becomes full of output. (CEDMAIN) Changed "QA" so that it uses the Object Name specified in a command file at the beginning of the source file. If no command file is found, the object name will be the same as the source file minus the first character. (CEDFM) Disabled the ACCESS command for security reasons. (CEDMAIN) Files can no longer be opened on DABS that were not ACCESSED before CED was run. (CEDFM) If printing a file in foreground, when the printing was completed the previous file was opened, not the one that you printed. This has been corrected. (CEDPRNT) Added new compiler error messages to #MTBERR file for use with QB function. (#MTBERR) When using the QA function, if there are compilation errors QB will automatically be invoked after the error count is displayed. (CED, CEDMAIN, CEDMTBX) Added new CED commands VFIND, VBRIGHT, and VSEEK. These commands work just like FIND, BRIGHT, and SEEK except that they only identify found strings that could be valid MTB variable names. For example, if you specify VFIND "I", CED will only show those lines where "I" is used as an MTB variable called I. The line I = 5 would be found, but the line INTNUM = 5 would not because although it does contain an I it is not the MTB variable I. (CEDMAIN, CEDSEEK) --------------------------------------------------------- CED 95.01 Added new CED command VREPLACE. It works similarly to VFIND, VSEEK, and VBRIGHT... (CEDMAIN, CEDREP) Blank lines can now be entered in CED. If the new line contains only  (the HOME char) a blank line will be added to the CED file at the key specified. (CEDMAIN) --------------------------------------------------------- CED 95.02 Eliminated COMET E11 that could occur when using QA and the Object File was an existing file having a type other than Sequential or MTB Object. (CEDFM) Reinstated the automatic file backup facility. (CEDBAK) --------------------------------------------------------- CED 96.01 Incorporated the new hypertext help system. To invoke it, either press F1 or type "HELP". (CED) --------------------------------------------------------- CED 97.01 If ENTERLEVEL > 0 CED will EXIT instead of run QMONITOR when done. This is for SNOVA implementation. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 98.01 Added mouse support under Comet98. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 98.02 Added Uppercase/Lowercase insentivity for command line. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 98.11 Completed Uppercase/Lowercase insentivity to all commands including INSTALL LOCAL|GLOBAL. Added 504 compatibility by using INQUIRE instead of READ. Modified INSTALL LOCAL for Comet98 so that users preferences are stored IN #CED by NODE NAME (USER PROFILE "/PN= "), if no NODE NAME is available, then preferences are stored using terminal id (TERM$) as before. Also added separate preferences for CometAnywhere users. INSTALL LOCAL also has a new option to SET HELP where user can choose between 503 (CEDTOPIC) and 504 (Hypertext) help and Comet98 users can optionnaly select to use HTML help with either default browser or with specific browser (such as Likse or NavRoad). Note that when entering paths, do not use Window's long names. The HTML Help files should be installed within the Comet directories as TechDoc\mtb. CometAnywhere users of HTML help will automaticaly launch the web page: http://www.signature.net/signature/techdoc/mtb/index.htm Fixed the BRIGHT and VBRIGHT command to respect the orginal case of the source code (was putting bright item in uppercase). Also fixed the end of range (BRIGHT did not stop at the specified end of range. Syntax: BRIGHT "search-value",starting-line,ending-line Undocumented feature. Corrected error messages dislay for the ACCESS command. (ACCESS was disabled in CED 1.A and still is). Fixed COPY command to properly accept the words TERM and TERM$ as copy block representing current terminal Txx, where COPY T03 note: lower case also accepted "t03" COPY TERM COPY TERM$ would all yield the same result (undocumented feature). SEEK and VSEEK commands When processing usefiles, ENDUSE will stop seeking. SEEK will now open and read SEQUENTIAL and TEXT usefiles, line number displayed are the actual record number. When SEEKing, only relevant usefile names are printed to save screen space. Display has been changed into a graphical tree. The "*" on the usefile lines has been changed to "_" for readability. Also added a Continue? prompt when page is full. Standardized error message if USEFILE couldn't be open. Undocumented feature: SEEK and VSEEK can be output to the printer using syntax: SEEK "search-value" LOG=printer Output is formated like on the screen, except that search-value is underlined. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 98.12 Discovered a bug in the NLM that caused CED to freeze when doing page-up or page-down. Found that the INQUIRE statement did not release EXTRACTed records. Changed all EXTRACT to use POSITION. The NLM has been fixed as of release 2.40. Modified the HTML Help configurator to make more user friendly. Fixed a couple of minor display problems. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 99.01 Modified INSTALL LOCAL (again) to make it easier to configure HTML Help through the Internet. Modified so that users preferences are now stored by Terminal Name (TERM$), Node Name (PN= on startup, called thru DSTAT(X00)) and User Name (called thru PSTAT(PARTITION$,44,16) - had to be Secured: SECURE (PWORD$) where PWORD$ is combination of user name (16 bytes) and password (16 bytes). Please consult the documentation about SECURE, this will be very usefull in the near future when the Comet Permission System is implemented. Note: if the HELP command does not work on your system, try using F1, if that works then verify your Nova settings in Qtility 43-NOVAMNT, make sure that "Auto Help" and F1 are both set to "H". If that does not work, make sure your system has help files by running CMHELPB, that will allow you to create the necessary file for Nova, re-run CED and HELP should be working. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 99.02 Modified "Install Local" to allow configuration of the BIOS mouse for Comet 504 users running on Windows 95 in a windowed mode. DOS users or full screen users should stick with the regular mouse driver. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 99.03 Modified "Install Local" MOUSE options (504 only). Can now be configured as a Yes/No Mouse or BIOS Mouse. Default is No Mouse. This to prevent Comet 504 from crashing when no mouse drivers is loaded. Comet 98 users always have a mouse. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 99.04 Modified 'Q' and 'QA' option to verify open file for valid MTB Compiler command file. Now allow more permissive use of spaces with the MTB command file. Added confirmation prompt in case CED has to generate the MTB command file, user has the option to accept or reject proposed default script and can make that preference permanent by pressing F4. Cleaned-up code in the Q in QA routine, fixed the routine that checks if output object is not overwriting a valid data file (routine has always been there but never really worked). In QA will now retain original compiler options on the 'LIST' line ('E', 'B' and 'A'). Fixed problem with 'QA' and 'QB' generating an excp 12 in CEDMTBX (work file was not closed before Erase/Create). Modified start-up routine for Comet98-ONLY to automatically resize the screen to 90 columns (SCREEN=90,25). This allows the use of the full source line without having to "oversize" the screen in MODE 132. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 99.05 Fixed display bug in MTB Compile Warning. Added verification of source file name before attempt to compile, now issues warnings if source file or source directory is not the same as opened file - unless is a compiler batch file. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 99.05b Added feature to disable the 'Q' command. Use the '/MTB' command to compile. This is to avoid "unwanted" compiles when trying to run QTILITY. To disable the 'Q' command enter a record in #CED with the key 'DISABLE Q' and nothing in the record. The key has to be as show - all uppercase but with no quotes. The QA and QB commands are not affected. Also fixed /MTB so that it analyse the compiler directives. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 99.06 Maintenance Release --------------------------------------------------------- CED 00.01 Fixed problem with Copy and Move that could cause an apparent hang in foreground that was actualy a tight endless loop and could cause an error termination in a background partition. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 00.02 Fixed problem with QA that would sometimes erronously used the ,A compiler directive. Also fixed the 'QB END' and the TERMINATE Pxx to be case insensitive. Fixed problem with Delete Block that would cause an apparant hang that was actually a tight endless loop. Modified ERASE command to allow file extension. Modified OPEN, CREATE, CLEAR to check for file extension. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 01.01 Fixed problem with Q (/MTB) that would generate a "NO Compiler Command" error if the first line was a !TITLE line. Modified the Install Local 'I L' to reset the MTB Compiler option (See 99.04). Change default value to prompt user. On 'Q' (/MTB) changed the prompting of missing compiler directive, now program Prompts user and ADD the compiler directives at the begining of the code on lines 1-4. It will move down existing lines, with a combined maximum of 10 lines. Update Compiler Error messages in #MTBERR used by the 'QA' function. Updated Comet Exceptions and MTB Compiler Error messages in #CEDHLP for CED 503 Help (Help '1'). --------------------------------------------------------- CED 04.01 Intermediate versions 02.01 thru 03.01 were not released. Completed integration of file names with extensions. Will now accept usefile names with extensions for FIND, VFIND, SEEK and VSEEK. When displaying results, TABs are converted to a single space. Added automatic LAUNCH of TEXT files upon OPEN. CED Assumes that windows has the proper file association. If TEXT file has NO extension, NOTEPAD is used. Changed CED On-Line HELP documentation to new web address (http://www.signature.net/ib/internetbasic.htm). Compile with debug (QA option) will now work with new IB compiler. The compiler directives in the form of ! //IB// Src( ) Obj( ) is NOT yet supported. Added support for the INCLUDE statement (same as USE). Added Splash Screen upon Startup. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 04.02 Corrected CopyFile logic for Splash Screen on Anywhere. Will now use the $(CATOOLS) alias. Previously would kind of freeze on Anywhere while attempting to copy the splash logo. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 10.01 First release for Comet 32. Eliminated CURPOS$ and replaced with STS(0) to get cursor position when adding or deleting lines. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 10.02 Bug fix for Comet 32. Adapted the STS(0) to properly return cursor position and F2 flag. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 12.01 Bug fix for Comet 32. Changed the FSTAT routine that checks the file to validate as a valid CED source file. Comet 32 now uses a key size of 3 bytes. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 13.01 Change for Comet 32 Disabled the MESSAGE returned from background partitions upon completion of task for Comet 32. Not supported. Fixed a display bug on warning message on COPY. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 13.02 Change for Comet 32 Changed the way CED check for background partitions. Comet 32 allows activate in inactive foreground partitions as backgrou Now will properly terminate if TERM$ is not same as ITERM$. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 14.01 Change for Comet 32 Diasbled Full F-Key Transmit that was left ON by the new QMONITOR in Comet 2014. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 16.01 Modified USE/INCLUDE Files name parsing to replace hex characters '@xx@' with proper character. Failed in SEEK and VSEEK when USE/INCLUDE files used the underscore '_' @5F@. --------------------------------------------------------- CED 17.01 Modified Error message when attempting to OPEN an Object file, in Comet 2009.400+ will display C16 or C32 as Object Type.